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Compiling pb

Thank you prikryl,

I tried the tips you gave me but without success.
No big deal, I did it another way.

Thank you for your support anyway.

Best regards

Re: Errors when try to compile

Tonioa310 wrote:

In fact I just would like to modify the little part of the code that prints the transfer file progress.

Instead of updating the line of the file in progress, I would like to display a new line with the current progress.

Is ther any way to perform that without recompiling the project ?

You can use WinSCP .NET assembly and handle Session.FileTransferProgress event.

Or filter \r from output.

Re: Errors when try to compile

Michel68 wrote:

I attach the errors output on this post.

Regarding RaiseList. I haven't seen it before. It's a deprecated identifier. So maybe you have strict compiler mode set. But you should be using the same settings as we do, if you are using our project files.

Anyway, I replaced this code:

          if RaiseList <> nil then

            FSynchronizeException := PRaiseFrame(RaiseList)^.ExceptObject;
            PRaiseFrame(RaiseList)^.ExceptObject := nil;


          FSynchronizeException := AcquireExceptionObject;

Though there will be lot more deprecated identifiers used, so it's unlikely this actually helps.

Errors when try to compile

Hi all,

I have the same problem, even using Embarcadero XE6.

In fact I just would like to modify the little part of the code that prints the transfer file progress.

Instead of updating the line of the file in progress, I would like to display a new line with the current progress.

Is ther any way to perform that without recompiling the project ?

Thank you anyway, this soft is really awsome.


Errors when try to compile


I have errors when i'am trying to compile the WinSCP project in C++ Builder XE7 (complete installation)

I tried to compile with Net Framework 3.5 and 4, 32 and 64 bits too, i'm running windows 8 64bits.

I attach the errors output on this post.

Have you any ideas on this problem ?
