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Re: information

We do not provide a paid support, if that's what you ask for.


Hi prikryl,thanks for your answer, i want to pay a donations but also want to pay to you for help me. can be?

Re: synchronize folders with existing files

martin wrote:

Sorry, I do not understand what you are trying to do. Please try again in more details, with examples.

Good Morning prikryl.First I need to say thank you so much for your answer! well I have 12 branch with windows servers in different kinds of place. Each server has a directory called w:\files\january until december. I just need sync all files these directory automatic when i put something in our main ftp. but I need to know if in my 12 branch i need create task for down the files.or if has another solution for it.

Re: synchronize folders with existing files

Sorry, I do not understand what you are trying to do. Please try again in more details, with examples.

synchronize folders with existing files

I have 12 folders from January until December on my ftp server. How I do I configure winscp to synchronize the content that is inside these folders as far as I'm putting files on ftp? as I set winscp to only synchronize folders that have content?
I never used WinSCP forgive me. each place that will receive the files have to have a client installed winscp?