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Topic review


I think, that is not a problem whith the timestamp. Its a filelist error. You must unmount the hd and must make a filecheck.

Sorry for mybad english....


Re: Can't read directory on remote host

"2004-10-21" is unsupported format of file timestamp.
Have you tried version 3.7? If it does not help, please post again an error message. Also try SFTP instead of SCP.
Henrik Schmidt

Can't read directory on remote host

While trying to read the directory on the remote host I get :

Fehler beim Anzeigen des Verzeichnisses.

Unerwartete Zeile in Verzeichnisliste "drwxr-xr-x 119 hbs mgs 9216 2004-10-21 17:19 .".

This is regardless of the directory I try to read.

I use 3.6.8 in SCP/Norton mode. The remote host is a Solaris/Unix host. It did work some time ago.