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Re: Error occurred during logging

Thank you

martin wrote:

Sure. It's a path to the log. Not a path to a log directory.

Re: Error occurred during logging

Sure. It's a path to the log. Not a path to a log directory.

Re: Error occurred during logging

No, I just set it as:

Dim SessionLogpPath As String = "C:\"

Should I have included a filename?

martin wrote:

How did you set the SessionLogPath? Did you include a filename in the path?

Re: Error occurred during logging

How did you set the SessionLogPath? Did you include a filename in the path?

Error occurred during logging

I am having problems connecting to an FTP server using .NET

I want to log what is going on when I try to open the connections. I have set the SessionLogPath but when I try the Open I get a SessionRemoteException
of "Error occurred during logging. It's been turned off"

I'd understood that setting SessionLogPath was sufficient to enable logging.