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That was it! Mine was on "Never" for some reason, even though I would never have set that when in my right mind.

This install, while updated, is one that I've had for over 5 years. Is it possible that the default was "Never" way back when and it just carried over through the years?


rseiler wrote:

Are you talking about Explorer mode, which I never use but which I see does work?

Both. In the default configuration.
What selection mode do you have selected?

martin wrote:

The selection rectangle disappears once you release the mouse. But the files selected using the rectangle should stay selected. Note that you have to extend the rectangle to the Name column of the panel to select the files.

Are you talking about Explorer mode, which I never use but which I see does work?

It doesn't in Commander.

rseiler wrote:

prikryl, are we supposed to be able to select two or more files with the mouse in the first place?


I see the encapsulation window, but then it just disappears as soon as I let the mouse button go. I never understood the point of that. If multi-file encapsulation isn't possible (without holding down a key), then why show the expanding window at all?

The selection rectangle disappears once you release the mouse. But the files selected using the rectangle should stay selected. Note that you have to extend the rectangle to the Name column of the panel to select the files.

prikryl, are we supposed to be able to select two or more files with the mouse in the first place? I see the encapsulation window, but then it just disappears as soon as I let the mouse button go. I never understood the point of that. If multi-file encapsulation isn't possible (without holding down a key), then why show the expanding window at all?

So with 5.7.1 you were able to select files with mouse?

Sorry for late response. It is 5.7.2

I forget to mention:
WinSCP 5.7.2
Windows 8.1 x64

Can't select two or more files with mouse

In two or three last versions i can't select files with mouse. if you press left mouse button and drag over the files there is nothing happens, no selection at all, please check.