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Topic review


Re: cannot open Desktop folder

OK, if you paste the same path to Windows Explorer, what happens?

Re: cannot open Desktop folder

martin wrote:

But how?

error occurred when I want to browse desktop path.
means, I want to tf a file from my computer desktop to server, it got above error. thks

Re: cannot open Desktop folder

But how?

Re: cannot open Desktop folder

martin wrote:

OK, but what did you do that you get this error? I assume you have tried to open the Desktop folder. But how?

yes, when I tried to open the Desktop folder in winsftp.
because the file i want to ftp in desktop


Re: cannot open Desktop folder

OK, but what did you do that you get this error? I assume you have tried to open the Desktop folder. But how?
Judy Tan

Re: cannot open Desktop folder

martin wrote:

What are you doing exactly?

I wanted to FTP a file from my local (C:\Users\xxx\Local Settings\Desktop) to server.

not sure why have this error.

I'm using
WinSCP v5.1.7
windows 7


Re: cannot open Desktop folder

What are you doing exactly?

cannot open Desktop folder


I cannot open Desktop folder

WinSCP v5.1.7
windows 7
