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Re: Using WinSCP in Powershell

I'm glad you made it working.
John Elia

Re: Using WinSCP in Powershell

martin wrote:

You do not need to register the assembly to use it from PowerShell.

Can you tell us what specific problems are you having? You wrote that Add-Type does not work. What does that mean? How does it behave? Any error message?

Thank you for your response. I have not registerd the assembly and add-type is working. I appreciate your help.

Re: Using WinSCP in Powershell

You do not need to register the assembly to use it from PowerShell.

Can you tell us what specific problems are you having? You wrote that Add-Type does not work. What does that mean? How does it behave? Any error message?
John Elia

Using WinSCP in Powershell

I have a project and I was so happy that I would be able to use WinSCP and Powershell together. I mean, really excited to dive in an learn/make it happen. For the last week, I'm reading these posts and feel I'm going in circles. The command Add-Type -Path "WinSCPnet.dll" Does not work. Nor does anything else I've seen. The examples are hard to follow and not very helpful. As an IT professional, I thought it would all be a bit easyer to work with WinSCP and Powershell, turns out it's a Nightmare. I'm discouraged and feel like I have to find another solution.

Will someone spell out, how to register WinSCP with Windows, so Powershell can utilize it. And give a simple example of using WinSCP and Powershell to
A) Connect to a remote server via IP address
B) upload A File
C) Close The Connection.

I'll post some examples myself once I get it working. Not sure why it's so difficult then. I'm guessing Most people have become discouraged and stopped trying, hence the lack of real world and useful examples.
