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Re: Can't see a file from GUI

manojvala wrote:

I was use java code to upload file using FTP.
But using winSCP GUI i cannot view file at root directory.

Your duplicate post at Stack Overflow:
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

Can't see a file from GUI

I was use java code to upload file using FTP.
But using winSCP GUI i cannot view file at root directory.


Thanks a lot !! I actually looked for a "hidden files" option, but I missed it. Thanks again.

Re: Can't see a file

Files starting with dot are considered hidden. You should see number of hidden files in status bar below file panel.
To show hidden files, click the counter of hidden files or go to preferences and enable Show hidden files.

Can't see a file

I am using WinSCP 5.7.4 in commander style using SCP to connect to my NAS device as root. There is a log file in a folder with the name of .ui_info
For some reason, I can't see the file. If I connect using putty, I can see and edit the file.

Is there a way I view the file using WinSCP ? Thanks.