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PostRe: Trouble with call command on FTP Server Android

Thanks, I finally use winscp for file transfers and putty for the commands.

Re: PostRe: Trouble with call command on FTP Server Android

What does the log show? What were you trying to do?

PostRe: Trouble with call command on FTP Server Android

Thanks Martin,
Following your instructions, I used FTPserver ultimate and herewith the log.
Unfortunately no success either.

Re: Trouble with call command on FTP Server Android

You cannot call WinSCP scripting commands (call) in the Console window.

You cannot call remote shell commands (pm) over FTP protocol.

Except if the FTP server have a special extension (e.g. SITE EXEC) that would allow you to do so:
SITE EXEC pm install my.apk

Use SFTP/SCP protocol, if possible.

Trouble with call command on FTP Server Android

I am running WINSCP client on Windows 7 with FTPServer(Android app) on Android.
My intention be to possibly install an apk on Android from my Windows client.
I opened a terminal-command on the Server(Android) and tried to run:
call pm install my.apk
call mdir try (ftp command set)
I receive "500 CALL not understood
The only command doable is "pwd".
Any hints?