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Re: slow speed with debian 8.1

Thanks for your report. Can you post a complete log files for both setups?

slow speed with debian 8.1

file transfer using SCP protocol with winscp (5.7.4) is really slow only under debian 8.1 jessie. the cpu usage from sshd goes to 100% and the speed breaks down after few seconds to 500~ kb/s. i found out, disabling the feature "optimizing buffer size of connection" in winscp fixes the problem. cpu usage goes to a normal level and the speed goes up to 90 mbit.

FYI: i was using before debian 7 wheezy with the same winscp version and the same sshd config it is working fine.

so it looks like winscp and the feature has a problem with the newest sshd version.

debian 8.1 jessi is using: OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-5, OpenSSL 1.0.1k 8 Jan 2015
