I tested unsuccessfully with untar and i do want to make everything remotely, that means on the server.
How can i integrate the custom command after winrar is installed ?
I do not understand. How do you want to run WinRar remotely on RedHat?
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I tested unsuccessfully with untar and i do want to make everything remotely, that means on the server.
How can i integrate the custom command after winrar is installed ?
Do you know how to intergrate a "custom command" to UNRAR Winrar files ?
I do not know unrar syntax, but you can inspire with untar/gzip example. I also do not know if you want to unrar the files locally or remotelly.
Do you know how to intergrate a "custom command" to UNRAR Winrar files ?
How can I copy the folder "test" to /data2 ?
Do I have to have a FTP server running to use sftp ?
Copying files + folders from one mount point / directory to another does not work, only copying them to my client works.
Is it not possible?
I am getting error codes ( f. e. 4 or 8 ) when moving folders containing files / single files on my rh9 based file server between mount point and directories.
Is there a setting that has to be corrected?