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Re: Delete directory operations

Adem wrote:

Thank you for the link. I was using SFTP, but having read the document at the link, I think I will use SCP (and, for the rare cases SFTP, maybe).

You may use SFTP, and add new custom command "rm -d -f -r !" instead.

Just one more question, does SCP have any problems with SSH2?

If you mean security problem, then not. On some newer (SSH2) servers, SCP is no longer available, but it is rare.

Re: Delete directory operations

Thank you for the link. I was using SFTP, but having read the document at the link, I think I will use SCP (and, for the rare cases SFTP, maybe).

Just one more question, does SCP have any problems with SSH2?


Re: Delete directory operations

What protocol do you use, SCP or SFTP?
You may read something about the protocols, which may answer your question.

Delete directory operations

How does WinSCP handle directory deletion?

It seems it is deleting every single item under a directory one by one.

Shouldn't it issue just a
rm -d -f -r <directory_name>
to the server. It is much much faster that way.