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Topic review


crystalidea wrote:

Modern Windows are all 64-bit.
32-bit version of Altap Salamander has a number of limitation when running on 64-bit Windows. Mostly because of these 2:
Specially when you're a software developer. I have to keep both version of AS. Very inconvenient.

Sure, I'm aware of these limitations. I believe this is very specific problem that very few users actually face.
I was just wondering, if a new user case emerged that I'm not aware of. Apparently not. Thanks anyway.

64 bit winscp

martin wrote:

"Salamander 64-bit WinSCP plugin"

Why do you need 64-bit Salamander?

From salamander web site

Running 32-bit Altap Salamander on 64-bit Windows has several drawbacks:
Context menu displayed for files and directories will be different comparing to context menu displayed from Windows Explorer. Reason: 32-bit applications can't load 64-bit shell extensions.

Altap Salamander will show different content for directory %windir%\System32 comparing to Windows Explorer. Reason: part of emulation layer for running 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows is redirecting access to this directory. See File System Redirector article for more details.

Altap Salamander will show different content for registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software comparing to Windows Registry Editor. Reason: part of emulation layer for running 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows is redirecting access to this registry key. See Registry Redirector article for more details.

"Salamander 64-bit WinSCP plugin"

Why do you need 64-bit Salamander?

"Salamander 64-bit WinSCP plugin"

crystalidea wrote:

no news? Is it planned actually?

What? WinSCP 64-bit or Salamander 64-bit WinSCP plugin? Both are planned, in a (rather long) term. In this order. No news yet. It's not a priority. Why do you need it?

no news? Is it planned actually?

Re: WinSCP Plugin for Altap Salamander x64

Is there anyting new regarding 64bit Salamander plugin?

Not yet.

Re: WinSCP Plugin for Altap Salamander x64

martin wrote:

any news reagrding Slamander 64 bit version?

Not yet.

Is there anyting new regarding 64bit Salamander plugin?

Re: WinSCP Plugin for Altap Salamander x64

any news reagrding Slamander 64 bit version?

Not yet.

Re: WinSCP Plugin for Altap Salamander x64

Any news regarding Salamander 64 bit version?

+1 Really need it for Altap Samamander as a plugin. Thanks, Martin

Re: WinSCP Plugin for Altap Salamander x64

AArbeit wrote:

The technical constrains mentioned on the Altap website were that the 64bit compiler was not available. This has change some month ago, didn't it ?

When will a 64bit version of the plugin for Altap Salamander available ?

We are going to release stable version of 5.2.x branch in new few days/weeks. Then we will start working on a new branch, for which we plan to upgrade to the latest version of C++ Builder with x64 support. Then we will be able to assess a feasibility of implementing support for x64.

WinSCP Plugin for Altap Salamander x64


I'm using Altap Salamander on my Windows 7 x64 System every day.

I just bought the WinSCP-plugin on the Altap Website and then noticed, that the plugin doesn't exist in the x64-Version of Altap Salamander :(

I tried to copy the WinSCP plugin from Version 2.54 (32 bit) but Altap Salamander reports that it cannot use 32 bit plugins in a x64 application.

The technical constrains mentioned on the Altap website were that the 64bit compiler was not available. This has change some month ago, didn't it ?

When will a 64bit version of the plugin for Altap Salamander available ?

Thanx for a reply,