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Topic review


Re: Open SSH private Key

When do you plan to support it?

It is limitation of PuTTY code. They believe that their format is more secure, so thay do not plan to support OpenSSH. However you can convert the key using PuTTYgen.

Re: Open SSH private Key

martin wrote:

If you mean that you cannot use OpenSSH key. Then, yes I'm sure.

When do you plan to support it?


Re: Open SSH private Key

Sure with what?
1) If you mean that you cannot use OpenSSH key. Then, yes I'm sure.
2) If you mean the the users should generate the key themselves. Then yes, I'm sure. The purpose of the private key is to be private. I.e. the user should generate it a never give it to anyone, including server administrator. Note that he/she may use the same key for several hosts, not only yours, so you should not know it. He/she only provides you public part of the key.

Re: Open SSH private Key

Are you sure !
I've already done it before upgrade openssh and winscp.

Re: Open SSH private Key

You cannot :-(
BTW: shouldn't users generate their private key themselves?

Open SSH private Key

How can i use an openssh private key directly with winscp (without using putty to convert my private key).
In fact, i'd like to have a linux script which create users and generate openssh private and public keys. I will only have to give private key to users.