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Re: Winscp dill not support in 4.5 version (Visual studio 2012)

Archana wrote:

I am using visual studio 2010 and add reference of winSCP dll that is 4.0 version. But we getting integration of project my project members using Visual studio 2012 version 4.5 so there is error occurs "The version of C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\winscp.exe ( does not match version of this assembly E:\Projects\Abc\Abc\AbcApp\bin\Debug\WinSCPnet.DLL ( You can disable this check using Session.DisableVersionCheck (not recommended)." Please solve my problem. How i come out from this problem.

You didn't add winscp.exe to be deployed your project.
The assembly finds instead installed version of WinSCP, which is of a different version.

Winscp dill not support in 4.5 version (Visual studio 2012)

I am using visual studio 2010 and add reference of winSCP dll that is 4.0 version. But we getting integration of project my project members using Visual studio 2012 version 4.5 so there is error occurs "The version of C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\winscp.exe ( does not match version of this assembly E:\Projects\Abc\Abc\AbcApp\bin\Debug\WinSCPnet.DLL ( You can disable this check using Session.DisableVersionCheck (not recommended)." Please solve my problem. How i come out from this problem.

Re: Need Framework 4.0 version of WinSCP

martin wrote:

The WinSCPnet.dll targets .NET 2.0. So your should have no problems in 4.0 project.
I guess, you have not added the WinSCPnet.dll as a reference to your project.

Right you are. Once I added WinSCPnet.dll as a Reference, in addition to adding it to the Output directory, the using namespace issue was resolved.

Thanks for the quick and accurate response!

Re: Need Framework 4.0 version of WinSCP

The WinSCPnet.dll targets .NET 2.0. So your should have no problems in 4.0 project.
I guess, you have not added the WinSCPnet.dll as a reference to your project.

Need Framework 4.0 version of WinSCP

I believe I need a Framework 4.0 version of WinSCP.

I am trying to use it for the first time in my c# code.

1. I've downloaded version I believe this is Framework 4.5.
2. I've added the WinSCP.exe and WinSCPnet.dll to my output directory in my VS project file.
3. I've added a 'using WinSCP;' statement to my code.

It does not find the namespace. The error is "The type of namespace name "WinSCP" could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"

I'm new to c# programming, so it could just be inexperience. OS/app version info:

Windows 7 Pro, 64 bit
Visual Studio 2010 Pro
Framework 4.0 for c# app which will use WinSCP, platform x86