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Topic review


Re: concurrent connections work on top level, but not in s

Hi Prikryl,

thank you -- I hope that you will find a way to implement this, it's the only thing that keeps me from doing backups of my large WordPress installation as often as I would like to ;) And it seems a very popular feature request, I don't know how I could miss that it was asked for that often already.

Best regards, Stevie.

Re: concurrent connections work on top level, but not in subfolders -- my mistake or not possible?

This request is tracked already:

concurrent connections work on top level, but not in subfolders -- my mistake or not possible?

Hello everybody,

I have a question regarding the use of concurrent transfers.

I have activated background transfers by default and up to 9 concurrent connections are used. When I transfer 50 files in a flat folder, this works and is very fast. When I transfer a couple of subfolders (of similar size): dito, one file of each folder is transferred simultaneously. But when one of the subfolders is very large, it will eventually be the last active spot that winscp works on and then I notice that only one file at a time is transferred. VERY slow on thousands of small files. In the past I used WS_FTP and I remember that the maximum number of concurrent connections was always used, no matter how the copied file/folder structure looked like. Is there a WINSCP setting I forgot to activate or is the design not capable to do this? Why does the concurrent connections feature of WINSCP stop at the level of the current folder and does not recursively apply to all copied subfolders as well? Any hints?

Best regards, Stevie.