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Topic review

ham again

Re: repeated crashing when uploading large files: assertion failed

martin wrote:

I have tried to reproduce the problem, but it doesn't happen to me. Maybe there are some special circumstances. Can you give me step-by-step instructions to follow to reproduce the problem? Thanks.

tested it again and again: no problems any more with large files :-) - I must have been blind ... my client is guilty.

... and sorry for my delayed answer.

Re: repeated crashing when uploading large files: assertion failed

I have tried to reproduce the problem, but it doesn't happen to me. Maybe there are some special circumstances. Can you give me step-by-step instructions to follow to reproduce the problem? Thanks.

Re: repeated crashing when uploading large files: assertion failed

martin wrote:

How large were the files?

about 700 MB

Re: repeated crashing when uploading large files: assertion failed

did some tests. uploading two large files at the same time: problem occurs. uploading a single large file: no problem.

How large were the files?

Re: repeated crashing when uploading large files: assertion failed

did some tests. uploading two large files at the same time: problem occurs. uploading a single large file: no problem.

Re: repeated crashing when uploading large files: assertion failed

mo wrote:

WinSCP 3.7.1 on Windows XP Pro connecting to OpenSSH 3.6.1p1 (Mach OS X), WinSCP crashes repeatedly when transferring large (>500MB) files. This happens in both sftp and scp mode. Before it crashes it says this:

Assertion failed: xdrPtr && xdrPtr == *

and then it died before I could read the rest of the error message, including the line number ;(

Same for WinSCP 3.7.1 (Build 257) on W2K/SP4 - serious problem.

Re: repeated crashing when uploading large files: assertion failed

Thanks for info. I'll look at that.

repeated crashing when uploading large files: assertion failed

WinSCP 3.7.1 on Windows XP Pro connecting to OpenSSH 3.6.1p1 (Mach OS X), WinSCP crashes repeatedly when transferring large (>500MB) files. This happens in both sftp and scp mode. Before it crashes it says this:

Assertion failed: xdrPtr && xdrPtr == *

and then it died before I could read the rest of the error message, including the line number ;(