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Re: Uploading only changed files to home directory

Can you record a video of the steps you are doing? E.g. using <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

Anyway, did you try using "New and updated files only" file transfer settings preset?
On Upload dialog, click drop down arrow on Transfer settings button and select "New and updated files only".

Or synchronization?

Uploading only changed files to home directory


I'm using wysiwyg web builder for my homepage. With the program I publish the homepage to a local directory and with winscp to my webservers home directory (the web builder dosen't support sftp). Web builder is showing me what kind of files it publishs to the local folder and if I just do some little changes its not much. To make it easier for me in winscp I mark all files in the local directory and select only new files for uploading. But winscp allways uploads a hole bunch of files and takes pretty long therefore. Does anybody know if I'm doing it wrong or what I have to change in order to just upload really new and changed files?

Thanks and regards,
