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Topic review


jaymax36 wrote:

I would have to clobber my existing installation with the other Administrator? Is it worth it? should I?

Re-installing WinSCP does not break anything.

martin wrote:

jaymax36 wrote:

Interesting question - The honest fact is that I do not know - was not observant enough. What I did was to install as another "administrator".

Can you reproduce the problem?

I would have to clobber my existing installation with the other Administrator? Is it worth it? should I?

jaymax36 wrote:

Interesting question - The honest fact is that I do not know - was not observant enough. What I did was to install as another "administrator".

Can you reproduce the problem?

Interesting question - The honest fact is that I do not know - was not observant enough. What I did was to install as another "administrator".

Re: Setup can't create "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP"

When you run the installer, do you get a "User Account Control" popup?

Setup can't create "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP"

Win 8.x platform:
WinSCP 5.7.4 became unstable - frequent re-connections required.
Decided to upgrade to v. 5.7.5.
First attempt failed with the following ==>

Setup - WinSCP
Setup was unable to create the directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP".
Error 5: Access is denied.

Deleted the 5.7.4. with the control panel, hoping for a clean install ==> the same results.

What is the solution?
