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Re: Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 0.

Enable password logging and make sure that the same password is used all the time.

session.AddRawConfiguration(@"Logging\LogSensitive", "1");

Re: Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 0.

martin wrote:

Did you check the server-side log, if there is any information why the server rejected the login?

I checked the server logs and it says "failed to sign on : Incorrect password." Same code is working most of the time but intermittent its failing.
All the connection information is stored on database.

Please let me know if you have any idea on this.

Re: Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 0.

Did you check the server-side log, if there is any information why the server rejected the login?

Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 0.

We are getting an intermittent error as "WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 0.
---> WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: Authentication log (see session log for details): Using username "xyz". Access denied.
Authentication failed."

After sometime the same user is able to access and can perform the operations.

We check our credentials and is all correct.

Can someone please help me?

WinSCP Version 5.5.6(Build 4746).