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Re: Scp and whitespaces in filenames copied from linux to win system

Thanks for info. I'll fix it. With SFTP protocol you should be able to download the file.

Scp and whitespaces in filenames copied from linux to win system

I tried to copy file (mp3) form linux to my windows system. The filename of mp3 had some whitespaces in name like ' Usher-Burn.mp3''. It failed saying that filename doesn't exist. I renamed the filename and it was ok (no whitespaces on beginning).
I user SCP protocol.
PS I have noticied that SFTP was about 25 % faster than SCP protocol (example: 100 kb/s with SCP and 150 kb/s with SFTP).
Pozdrawiam ooo it's in polish - so Greetings :-)