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Re: timezone problem

Anonymous wrote:

I wonder if there has been any change to this particular problem recently?

There two options to try to conform to server's way to handle timestamps. There are several topics on the problem, here, like this one.

Re: timezone problem

I wonder if there has been any change to this particular problem recently?

Re: timezone problem

I'll look at this. Thanks for letting me know.

timezone problem

First thankyou for excellent program, it is very very useful.

I just have one problem:

My timezone is GMT +800

When I transfer a file from a unix box to the windows box, preserving timestamp, the timestamp is INCREASED by 800 (eg timestamp of 21/01/2003 9:40PM becomes 22/01/2003 1:40PM)

If the file is modified today, then transferred to the windows box, it looks like it was modified tomorrow! :)

When I transfer the file back to the unix box, the timestamp is correct again.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
