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Re: .bashrc and a umask default mask

martin wrote:

Putty does not read any file, Putty is "dumb" terminal. WinSCP does not read such files too and it will not. bashrc and similar files are platform specific and must be either automatically read by the platform or ignored. My point was that if the bashrc file is read and reflected by your server, setting "Set permission" may override it. Try to uncheck it.

OK sorry for my incorrectness.

Re: .bashrc and a umask default mask

Putty does not read any file, Putty is "dumb" terminal. WinSCP does not read such files too and it will not. bashrc and similar files are platform specific and must be either automatically read by the platform or ignored. My point was that if the bashrc file is read and reflected by your server, setting "Set permission" may override it. Try to uncheck it.

Re: .bashrc and a umask default mask

martin wrote:

What protocol do you use? SCP or SFTP? Do you have checked "Set permissions" option or not?

My point is that this "Set permission" option is GLOBAL. I am actually working on more then one work server - so i would like to choose on which i want the RWX premission for group and on others only RX premisson (or even no premission for group)
Whole point is that this is general setting - but in case of putty which reads the .bashrc file (or other if you use different shell) and sets the premission local to the account i have (not for global).
Thanks for reply.
Greets from Poland.

Re: .bashrc and a umask default mask

What protocol do you use? SCP or SFTP? Do you have checked "Set permissions" option or not?

.bashrc and a umask default mask

When a log on a remote machine eg. Sun Solaris 5.9 with Putty 0.56 my scripts in .bashrc works fine. One line sets the default umask premissions. I am working in a group of people so i need RW/X(for dirs) on group bits of files/dirs (so they can modify them).
When I log with WinSCP on the same machine the .bashrc isn't readed - and group have only RX.
Could you make a Chceckbox to switch to profiles stored in my home dir (default in WinSCP is to use default args with shell).
Please reply.
Pozdro !