Re: Incorrect time displayed for files on server - one hour
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Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
I'm using WinSCP 3.7.1 (Build 257), using either of the two interfaces. Files which I have transferred to one particular remote server are displayed on the remote side one hour too far forward, so that a file which should say 15:00 is displayed as 16:00.
For the same server, this problem does not occur
(a) when listing files using WinSCP's terminal
(b) when using SSH Secure Shell Client
(c) when using SSH Secure Shell File Transfer client.
Further, although it consistently happens when using WinSCP on this one particular server, I have not noticed the problem when using WinSCP on other servers. Indeed, I can access the *same* remote filestore with WinSCP using a different server, and the time displays correctly!
Either or there is problem with SCP protocol. Try SFTP. Why do you prefere SCP?
Perhaps the bad server hasn't got its DST configuration set correctly...?
What protocol? SCP or SFTP?
What is your setting of "Daylight saving time" option (Environment tab)
"Server timezone offset" (SCP tab)?