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thank you very much for answering so fast.

But I solved my issue in the mean time. I deleted all files/folders on the local side and did a new sync.
Afterwards I created a folder on the local side, did a sync with my intended settings and YES WinScp did
deleted on the local site this folder that did not exist on the remote site.

This is I wanted and seems to work for now. If things turn otherwise I come back on this.

My settings:
target: local site
method: sync
sync settings: delete FILES & only selected FILES (the later since I choose only a parent folder that contained the test folder).

Re: FTP-HOST --> Local Mirror/Sync doens not delete local folders nor files

Can you show us a screenshot of the options your have selected?
And attach a corresponding session log file, mentioning a specific file that you expect to be deleted.

FTP-HOST --> Local Mirror/Sync doens not delete local folders nor files

FTP-HOST --> Local Mirror/Sync doens not delete local folders nor files

I read the doc and forum several times and checked all different combinations of settings just to make sure I
did not misunderstand something in the doc.

However, I am not able to make WinSCP delete files and folders on the local side that do not exist remotely :(

Isn't this possible?

Windows 10 64 bit