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Re: Download file o 2 files maximum with one batch file...

Anonymous wrote:

instead of "have you read a docu" can you write a simple of example: /script=[scriptname]

I cannot, because the answer is not only for you, but for everyone interested. And the other may not be as lazy as you to look at the doc and learn more. Also, I cannot understand how you can blame me for doing more for your that you need. I have wrote entire new doc chapter just for YOU!

Re: Download file o 2 files maximum with one batch file...

martin wrote:

Have you read documentation?

instead of "have you read a docu" can you write a simple of example: /script=[scriptname]

and in file [scriptname]:


this became already is enough !!!

:x :x :x

Re: Download file o 2 files maximum with one batch file...

dl1eyg wrote:

Hello prikryl,
I must transfering many files from Linux-Server to Windows-PC with SSH too. I try it with:
winscp3.exe root@elc /get /home/portal/backup/holen.txt /exit

Have you read documentation? Anyway, I've added example script, to give you an idea.

Re: Download file o 2 files maximum with one batch file...

Hello prikryl,
I must transfering many files from Linux-Server to Windows-PC with SSH too. I try it with:
winscp3.exe root@elc /get /home/portal/backup/holen.txt /exit

WinSCP tried to load a stored session, but no files are transfered and a program not exit automatically.

what is there wrong?
thanks a lot

Re: Download file o 2 files maximum with one batch file...

Please read about scripting

Download file o 2 files maximum with one batch file...

Hi forum, From México, specially to Prikril, 'cause i see he is the C Builder Master, i (try to ) programm in C Builder Version 5 , since last year , but i never will be like u dude... u r the BIGEST FTP MASTER !!!!

Well, to my problem.

I try to make a Stored_Session, but i don't know how i can download one or two files maximum, e.i.:

i only write this in my batch file:

Winscp3.exe comer (where "comer" is my stored_session)
and after ??? :cry: , what i must write to download and close the session ????

If u can post code to download the files, i 'll be so happy man.

THX a lot.