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Re: Synchronize problems...

I guess you have to enclose the /script parameter in quotes, because the file name contains spaces:
winscp3 /console "/script=c:\archivos de programa\winscp3\ftp.txt"

Synchronize problems...

Well , i'd read the document file , and i did my file to automatic synchronize, but nothing happens, my file is like this:

run_lansa.bat , (it contains):

winscp3 /console /script=c:\archivos de programa\winscp3\ftp.txt

ftp.txt (contains):

option confirm off
option synchdelete off
synchronize local c:\repositorio2\provecomer\F366529

i don't write host directory because , ftp conect me to the correct path.

just open de WINSCP FTP Explorer, but nothing happens, can u help me ?
can u tell me how is the correct syntax

PD: Excuse my poor english, i'm from Mexico