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Topic review


Anonymous wrote:

That seems to work as expected. The problematic ones are when only a directory with subdirectories (for me, usually several levels) and files in some directories.

OK, but there must be some particular directory that causes the problem, because generaly it works. Please find it and let me know what is specific about it.

That seems to work as expected. The problematic ones are when only a directory with subdirectories (for me, usually several levels) and files in some directories.

I'm sorry I have never seen the problem. What if you transfer only single file or set of files on the same level (no subdirectories)?

I transfered some more files. In the case with finished at 50% I transfered several directories with subdirectories that contained files but no files at the top level.

I also transfered some files with directories at same level. The progress bar went up to 83% when transfer was complete.

And to continue with more information.

I mean the overall progress bar.
Binary transfer mode.
Transfer speed set to max.
Estimated time seems tied to the progress bar and in real the time is about half the estimated time.

Progress bar never higher than 50%

When transfering several files the byte transmitted information seems correct but the progress bar and the % shown as transfered seems to be half of what is actually transfered. When the file transfer is properly finished the progress bar has only reached 50%.

WinSCP 3.7.1
SFTP (v3)
Commander style
Transfering files from local computer to remote host including directories and subdirectories using drag and drop from the local pane to remote pane.