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Re: Feature request: time synchronization

guest wrote:

Hope this isn't redundant, you need a search capability for the forums!

Guess what the search box on the top right is good for :-)

It would be nice if WinSCP could "learn" what the difference in times is based on how a date changes after a file transfer, and then apply this difference to commands like compare directories.

I've thought about this already. I do not know yet if it is good idea or not, I'll think more :-)

Feature request: time synchronization

Hope this isn't redundant, you need a search capability for the forums!

I have problems with compare directory because of systems running in different time zones and because of differences in system times (on the order of 15 minutes). I know this is wrong, but I can't get the sysadmin to correct the time.

It would be nice if WinSCP could "learn" what the difference in times is based on how a date changes after a file transfer, and then apply this difference to commands like compare directories.