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Its OK, I found where was the problem. Like you will see, some people like jokes or are definitely not professionnal...

Our ISP sent a technician to make update to our routeur but after that he didn't say that he placed a new model and that he let the default settings, with some ports not opened. :roll:

So nothing was wrong with WinSCP or out network configuration, I was really sure of that. All the fault comes from our stupid ISP :mrgreen: lol

Is it just the firewall that's blocking you, or could it be something else that's impersonating your firewall? It could be a virus or something.

I'm sorry, this problem is beyond my knowledge :-(

I made other tests...

- I can use 'telnet localhost 22' on local on the server
- I can use 'telnet <ipserveraddress> 22' when I'm in the network of my company
- I cannot use 'telnet <ipfirewalladdress> 22' when I'm outside the company -> Connection refused
- I checked in the firewall settings, but nothing changed : I allow connection to the port 22 and make a forward to the ip address of the server.

I suppose that the problem come from the firewall that not allow access to the server. But the settings have not changed and seems always good...

What other tests can I do to know where comes from the problem ??? :?

I tested with telnet but the same happend : "Impossible d'ouvir une connexion à l'hôte, échec lors de la connexion", simply means that cannot connect to the server...

The strange thing is that nothing had been changed in our network configuration, so in this time I really dont know where is the problem. I tried to use on the server the command 'telnet localhost 22' and the server responds, so this is not a port problem and I can reach the server because I can ping it...

Can you suggest me a problem idea ? :wink:

Re: Network error: Connection refused

Just try to open connection to the same host/port with any other TCP/IP client (it does not have to be SSH client), just to check if it is WinSCP problem or connection problem.

For example you may try telnet client shipped with the Windows:
telnet <your SSH server> 22

If it says "connection refused" too, then it is not WinSCP problem and you should check your connection.

Network error: Connection refused


We're using WinSCP3 with a SSH Server and today it has an error saying while login : "Network error: Connection refused". :shock:

I really don't know what's happened because nothing was change in our configuration, firewall...

Can you tell me what could be the origin of the problem or what must I test to see where is the problem :?:

Thank you :D