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Re: SCP & no interactive passwords

wrynkows wrote:

I probably did not create the keys in putty in OpenSSH format.

It will not help. You must generate the keys in Putty format, the only which WinSCP supports. But note that it is only the format in which the keys are stored. The actuall content is always the same and so is the public key.

Re: SCP & no interactive passwords

I created keys in OpenSSH using the following command

ssh-keygen t dsa -b 2048

I probably did not create the keys in putty in OpenSSH format.

I guess I will research this option.


Re: SCP & no interactive passwords

wrynkows wrote:

However, I need a clarification. I was able to connect using OpenSSH, Putty & WinSCP.
The thing is, I created keys in OpenSSh & Putty & had to place both of them in the authorized_keys2 file to make them work.

Can you confirm that this is appropriate or should I be able to use only one key (Putty)?

What does mean "I created keys in OpenSSh"? Does it mean that you have created it using openssh tools or stored from puttygen in openssh format?

Anyway, there should be only one line in authorized_keys2 containing public key for the private key you use with WinSCP.

Re: SCP & no interactive passwords

I have found the reason for my trouble.

However, I need a clarification. I was able to connect using OpenSSH, Putty & WinSCP.
The thing is, I created keys in OpenSSh & Putty & had to place both of them in the authorized_keys2 file to make them work.

Can you confirm that this is appropriate or should I be able to use only one key (Putty)?

Thanks in advance.

Re: SCP & no interactive passwords

There's too many possible reasons for your troubles. Please try to find a solution in Putty documentation about the keys.

SCP & no interactive passwords

I'm using v3.7.1 and my protocol is SFTP.
I have created public/private keys with both OpenSSH & Putty & am trying to login to my server using WinSCP without putting in my password.
I have tried putting both OpenSSH & Putty public keys on my server but have not been able to connect without WinSCP asking for a password.

Any help on this subject would be appreciated.