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Re: Sorry for delay in reply

Guest wrote:

Are you saying you think the problem might be at the server end?

Maybe. I'm not aware of any problems WinSCP may have listing files over 2GB. I've forgot to ask what is the plaform of the server and what SSH server are you using.

Sorry for delay in reply

Version of WinSCP is 3.7.1 Build 257. Syncing was done with SFTP.

Are you saying you think the problem might be at the server end? Regular FTP reports file sizes accurately if that helps.

Thanks. :-)


Re: File of 27G size shows up as -2G and won't transfer

What protocol, SCP or SFTP? If SFTP, what version?

File of 27G size shows up as -2G and won't transfer

The remote server has a number of 27G files I need to sync with local storage. They show up as -2G when I view the remote directory and when I try to transfer them they error out. All other files transfer fine. Suggestions?

Thanks. :-)