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Re: More info RE: Error Listing directory after 32GB of transfer

Are that 100GB in one file? Also relevant part of the log file will be useful, if you can post it.

More info RE: Error Listing directory after 32GB of transfer

The error messages were:
(Error Box)
"Error listing directory '/data/...'"

Overflow while converting variant of type (integer) into type long word


(Error Box)
Copying files to remote site failed

Error Listing directory after 32GB of transfer

I get an error after 32GB of file transfer. It has trouble listing directory contents due to a number conversion error. I have replicated this on 2 machines. Below are the protocols being used. It seems unable to recover from this error. I believe I can work around this limitation by transferring folders in smaller "chunks". I was curious if anyone knew of this and what possibly caused it (WinSCP, XP, or my Linux box). I am transferring from my XP box to Linux about 100 GB of data and it does this right at 32GB every time.

Norton Commander interface.
3.7.1 (build 257)
ssh v2
ssh OpenSSH_3.4p1
aes encryption

Gabe Castillo