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Re: Cool (new?) usage

Cool :-)
I just wonder how did you manage to overlook "Explorer 'Send To' shortcut" command in the "Shell Icon" menu. It does exacrly what you did. Actually the /upload parameter was added to and only to allow the "Send To" shortcuts.

Coincidentally I have documented this functionality just yesterday.

Cool (new?) usage

What a great program!

I needed a way to transfer pictures from my daughter's digital camera to publish on a website via SFTP. It had to be simple.

I just created a shortcut on her desktop with the Shell Icon button on the first screen.

Then I right clicked on the newly created icon on the desktop, selected properties and appended "/upload" to the Target.

"C:\Program Files\WinSCP\winscp371.exe" "USER@HOSTNAME" /upload

Then I copied the shortcut to the "C:\Documents and Settings\HERNAME\SendTo" folder.

Now she can right click on an image folder or picture and "Send To" the WinSCP alias.

The file or directory gets transferred painlessly.

The command line feature of this program is an excellent addition!
