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Topic review


Re: Transfer Binary/Ascii Changes in easy menu item

Carl wrote:

Is there (or can there be) an easy way change between binary to ascii transfers (instead of multistep process into preferences section)?

The switch is on transfer options dialog too, not only on preferences dialog.
You can also use "automatic" mode to select proper mode by an extension.

Transfer Binary/Ascii Changes in easy menu item

In my sessions I need to change Transfer protocols from binary to ascii rather quickly (each file is different).
Is there (or can there be) an easy way change between binary to ascii transfers (instead of multistep process into preferences section)?


Re: Transfer Mode

Transfer mode box on Copy dialog is grayed out under these conditions:
  • Your transfer protocol is SCP or SFTP version 3 and older (not 4).
  • You have selected Windows style EOL characters on Environment tab of login dialog.
With these conditions text mode transfer would have no effect, because there is nothing to convert.

Transfer Mode

No matter what I do, it seems, the transfer mode in the Copy dialog box is grayed out in the latest version.

The previous (I don't remember the number...but it was probably from some time this year) let me change to ASCII or Binary or Automatic.

Something I'm doing wrong?
