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Topic review

PC John

Re: refresh => crash

martin wrote:

I believe that the problem was fixed already in 3.7, please download the latest version.

Yes, it solved the problem. Thanks.

Re: refresh => crash

I believe that the problem was fixed already in 3.7, please download the latest version.
Bug fix: Refresh command on disconnected session aborted the application.

refresh => crash

first of all, winscp is very cool application for me. Thanks for it.

I am noticing just one problem:
Sometimes, after pressing Ctrl-r (refresh), the assertion failed message appears on the screen and application is terminated.

It happens this way: After a long time of idle (say, 2 hours), connection to the server is probably dropped, or something. If I start browsing directories now, reconnect query appears on the screen and everything works. But if I press Ctrl-r instead, following message is shown:
Assertion failed: Terminal->Files->IndexOf(ITEMFILE) >= 0, file
D:\Martin\Projekty\WinSCP2\components\UnixDirView.cpp, line 423

and application is terminated.

I am using version 3.6.0, build 217
and Peagent for ssh authentication.
