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Topic review


Please, I have asked you what does it mean that you "open a file". OK, I suppose that you double-click it. Let me know if you mean somethink else.

If you double-click file (not directory/symlink to directory) in remote panel, WinSCP can do several things depending on configuration and server capabilities. It can try to intepret the file as symlink to directory in case it cannot detect if particular file is a symlink at all. This is the case for SFTP version 2 and older, what is not your case. It can do this also if you disallow it to resolve symlinks at all, by unchecking Resolve symbolic links on Directories tab of login dialog. Is this your case?

ups, here the correct error:

Command 'cd "textfile.txt"'
failed with return code 1 and error message
-bash: line 84: cd: textfile.txt: Not a directory.

when i try to open a file (.txt, .sql, what ever) winscp tries to cd in that file. it doesnt open the file! i helped me: if its a file with text in it then i press F4... but i can't open jpegs and other non-text-files x/

Re: bug in 3.7.1 (Build 257)

More details, please.
What does it mean "when I open file". What is mysqldbs.sql? Can you post a log file?

bug in 3.7.1 (Build 257)

Command 'cd "e-g-textfile.txt"'
failed with return code 1 and error message
-bash: line 84: cd: mysqldbs.sql: Not a directory.

i get this if i try to open a file :cry: