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compiler - 20 years later

Martin, I'm beginning a new project for a small paint program. (beginner)
I was reviewing your forum for guidance on your compiler, framework, etc.
What is your current compiler and toolbox composed of these days? (I'm old enough to have BCC in storage somewhere)
How are you managing your auto update notices?
I'm probably going with Qt.

Thanks, ntshsec

Re: Compiling WinSCP

hosaka wrote:

If I make significant change onto your code, I will send sources to you. I am suspicious about wchar handling at filename lists (especialy if they contain Japanese char.)

Fine, I'll appreciate that.

Re: Compiling WinSCP

Thank you for your reply!

martin wrote:

Any C++ Builder 6 version will do, including Personal :-)

If I make significant change onto your code, I will send sources to you. I am suspicious about wchar handling at filename lists (especialy if they contain Japanese char.)

Tnanks again for your corporations.

Re: Compiling WinSCP

Anonymous wrote:

I also would like to know which version of C++Builder6.
They have C++Builder6 Pro and Personal(also Enterprise)
and "personal" is cheaper than "Pro" :-)

Any C++ Builder 6 version will do, including Personal :-)

Re: Compiling WinSCP

martin wrote:

I don't know if there is free BC++ compiler. But anyway you would need also BC++ libraries, which are probably not free.

I am also a user of WinSCP since version 2.
And I am really appreciate your work.

I saw free version of BCC5.5 and TD at borland site.
But no VCL library.

I also would like to know which version of C++Builder6.
They have C++Builder6 Pro and Personal(also Enterprise)
and "personal" is cheaper than "Pro" :-)

martin wrote:

I can try it to see if there will be any significant benefit.


Anonymous wrote:

Could you generate a optimized version (I think BCC generate pentium pro optimized code if you include a -6 at compiler switches)?

I can try it to see if there will be any significant benefit.

Could you generate a optimized version (I think BCC generate pentium pro optimized code if you include a -6 at compiler switches)?

Re: Compiling WinSCP

I don't know if there is free BC++ compiler. But anyway you would need also BC++ libraries, which are probably not free.

Compiling WinSCP

First of all, WinSCP is awesome!

I know I need Borland C++ to compile. However, is there a free compiler out there that I can use? I don't have BCC.
