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Topic review


Anonymous wrote:

The bottom line is that if we are operating in a way that does not allow us to change permissions then what do we need to change to enable us to do so?

I may not understand you. So again. Do you mean that the checkboxes for changing permissions on Properties dialog are schaded, do you? Actually they should never be disabled. Can you send me a screenshot? (for email follow webpage link from my forum profile)

The F.A.Q. had already been read and has now been accessed again but there is nothing knew that I can see.

The bottom line is that if we are operating in a way that does not allow us to change permissions then what do we need to change to enable us to do so?


Please read F.A.Q..


martin wrote:

Do you want to change file permissions or owner/group? AFAIK the permissinos can be changed always. Ability to change owner/group differs with protocol used. What protocol do you use?

Winscp is used with root access and files are automatically assigned group as root and owner as root. With an earlier version of winscp it was possible to change these but now the drop down box is blanked out. How do we change this?

SSH protocol version 2 SFTP (v3) appears to be the existing protocol how do we change that?


Do you want to change file permissions or owner/group? AFAIK the permissinos can be changed always. Ability to change owner/group differs with protocol used. What protocol do you use?


When accessing our server as root we used to be able to change the file permissions but recently it suddenly changed so that we could no longer do so as these fields appear shaded.

Is this a change with winscp or something that should be altered serverside?

We use winscp 3.6.6 on one machine and 3.7.1 on another and both act the same.