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Re: Undelete option

Ceceil wrote:

is there a way to undelete files? I've noticed that since the delete key is EXTREMELY close to the insert key it is VERY EASY to accidentally delete a file that you are trying to Select for copy/move.. If there is no undelete then I would recommend one as I have accidentally done this, a few times :oops:

Do you want to undelete the local or remote files? Local files are by default moved to recycle bin, so find them there. Neither SCP nor SFTP protocol has undelete feature for remote files. However WinSCP has its own remote recycle bin, which is disabled by default.

BTW, do you have delete confirmation turned on? If you have disabled it, I would recommand you enable it back, when you are having problems with this.

Undelete option

is there a way to undelete files? I've noticed that since the delete key is EXTREMELY close to the insert key it is VERY EASY to accidentally delete a file that you are trying to Select for copy/move.. If there is no undelete then I would recommend one as I have accidentally done this, a few times :oops: