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local directory not found...

martin wrote:

I believe that the problem was introduced in the latest release. Please try to download WinSCP 3.7 beta. It may work for you.
Also I would appreciate if you send me a contact to you, so I can investigate and possibly solve the problem.

I currently have 3.7.1 Build 257 installed - I'll let you know once I've been able to test the beta - could take some time.

You can read me at my gmail account which is r4v3nn at gmail dot com.

I believe that the problem was introduced in the latest release. Please try to download WinSCP 3.7 beta. It may work for you.
Also I would appreciate if you send me a contact to you, so I can investigate and possibly solve the problem.

local directory not found...


I have a Windows XP machine - when I double click "My Computer" I can only see the E: drive (CD). I have no admin rights and can't view C: and D: (My Documents) drive. When I startup WinSCP all goes fine but I get an error "E: drive not ready" - which is OK as there is no CD inserted. So I put in advanced options the local directory to "My Documents" - d:\<username>\My Documents - but I still get the same error. Anything else I can try so when WinSCP is logged in, I get in to the correct directory? The D: drive, as the C: drive is not "visisble" under "My Computer" but I do have read access (C: drive) and read/write access under "d:\<username>\My Documents".

I hope this is a bit clear :-).

Any help appreciated.
