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Re: symbolic link BUG in WinSCP 3.7.1

It's not a bug, it is a feature :-) It is caused by a directory cache.

I suppose that you have modified the symlink externally, not using WinSCP, have you?

symbolic link BUG in WinSCP 3.7.1

Hmm... there is a weird bug in WinSCP...

when i tried to enter a symbolic on a remote server i got transfered to a directory that was previously linked but not to the one that it was currently pointing to...
remote OS is Solaris 9 if that is any use...


remote ln -s was /remote/data/link and pointed to /data/olddir
but was changed to /data/newdir... when entering /remote/data/link we got directed to /data/olddir instead of /data/newdir

hope this is of some use...
