I have done several tests with 3GB files and I had no problems with them. So it seems like server-side problem, providing that you've used the latest version of WinSCP. What is your SSH/SFTP server?
I had the same thing happen. You just re-copy the file - ie drag it across again. It asks if you want to use the filepart, say yes, and everything works!
I'm currently not aware of such problem with SFTP protocol. What SSH/SFTP server is running on your Laptop?
First off, I think WinSCP rocks, and Kudos to you Martin.
I have no difficulty using WinSCP to transfer files up to 4 GB (haven't actually tried over the 2^32 limit) from a remote Linux server to my WinXP PC. But I just ran into trouble transferring from the PC to a laptop running Linux on my home network. It stops at 2^31-1 bytes (about 2 GB). Any way to continue the transfer? to prevent this happening in future? The ".filepart" is sitting there ready to be appended...