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Topic review


I don't really want to disable resume

I've meant to disable resume confirmation, not resuming at all.

Would this be something that you may include in future releases?


Thanks for your quick reply!

I don't really want to disable resume or delete the fileparts since this was the main reason for using WinSCP.

Would this be something that you may include in future releases?

Thanks once again.

WinSCP is a truley great product!

Re: script trouble

Hmm, I suppose that 'option confirm off' should turn off resume confirmation as well.

Meanwhile you have two options:
  • Disable resume confirmation in GUI.
  • Remove partial files before the upload (rm *.filepart - but only if you have 3.7.2 that supports wildcards).

script trouble

I am trying to run a script that will allow me to copy a file from a remote pc. The connection is very slow and is prone to failure. I would like to keeping trying to get the file until it has completed, using the multi file transfer. To do this I used the script below;

batch file: locahost /console /script=download.scr

option confirm off
option batch on
cd /test/exeter
option transfer binary
get db.bak d:/test/db.bak

If the script executes fully then everything is good. :D However, if the file transfer fails and needs to be restarted I get the following message;

Target directory contains partially transfered file '_test_db.bak'. Do you want to resume file transfer? Note: Answering 'No' would delete partially transfered
file and restart transfer.
(Y)es, (N)o, (A)bort: Abort

Since the script always gives a negative response it automatically aborts and never completes.

Can anyone see anything wrong here? Is it a bug? I suspect that 'Abort' maybe a new addition or changed somehow.

Please Help!!! :cry:
