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Re: Too many login attempts.....

Please read documentation for possible reasons for getting denied to access.

Too many login attempts.....

ive been having some trouble setting up winscpto connect to my gentoo linux server . Ive removed the user/connection and reinstalled it.

connections as root are OK with putty - i cant connect with user apache.

the log from the client running winscp

Looking up host "62.xx.xx.xx"
. Connecting to 62.xx.xx.xx port 22
. Server version: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.9p1
. We claim version: SSH-2.0-WinSCP-release-3.7.1
. Using SSH protocol version 2
. Doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange
. Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange
. Host key fingerprint is:
. ssh-rsa 1024 e8:8e:ee:c3:a6:9e:6f:a8:57:42:5a:14:c2:f3:91:7d
. Initialised AES-256 client->server encryption
. Initialised AES-256 server->client encryption
. Initialised HMAC-SHA1 client->server MAC algorithm
. Initialised HMAC-SHA1 server->client MAC algorithm
! Using username "apache".
. Password prompt from server (Password: )
. Responding with stored password.
! Access denied
. Access denied
. Session password prompt (apache@62.xx.xx.xx's password: )
. Using stored password.
. Sent password
! Access denied
. Access denied
. Keyboard-interactive authentication refused
. Session password prompt (apache@62.xx.xx.xx's password: )
. Asking user for password.
. Sent password
! Access denied
. Access denied
. Received disconnect message (SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR)
. Disconnection message text: Too many authentication failures for apache
. Server sent disconnect message
. "Too many authentication failures for apache"
* (ESshFatal) Authentication failed.
* Authentication log (see session log for details):
* Using username "apache".
* Access denied
* Access denied
* Access denied
* Server sent disconnect message
* "Too many authentication failures for apache"

from the SSH server
Feb 8 13:44:46 NTGHICU1 sshd[25424]: WARNING: /etc/ssh/moduli does not exist, using fixed modulus
Feb 8 13:44:49 NTGHICU1 sshd[25424]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for apache from
Feb 8 13:44:52 NTGHICU1 sshd[25424]: Failed password for apache from port 2719 ssh2
Feb 8 13:44:52 NTGHICU1 sshd(pam_unix)[25430]: auth could not identify password for [apache]
Feb 8 13:44:54 NTGHICU1 sshd[25424]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for apache from
Feb 8 13:44:54 NTGHICU1 sshd[25424]: Failed password for apache from port 2719 ssh2
Feb 8 13:45:04 NTGHICU1 sshd[25424]: Failed password for apache from port 2719 ssh2
Feb 8 13:45:04 NTGHICU1 sshd(pam_unix)[25431]: auth could not identify password for [apache]
Feb 8 13:45:07 NTGHICU1 sshd[25424]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for apache from
Feb 8 13:45:07 NTGHICU1 sshd[25424]: Failed password for apache from port 2719 ssh2

ive got the names etc sorted now - so how can i fix it to let me log in ?

I suspect its not strictly relevant but its a linux box added to a winNT NW - ihavent got all the name/login stuff fully sorted yet