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mdoran wrote:

I just tried fix5 and I was able to upload and download a 300Meg file with no trouble at all. Looks like you got the problem fixed, thanks for all your hard work and the great product.

Thank you too.


I just tried fix5 and I was able to upload and download a 300Meg file with no trouble at all. Looks like you got the problem fixed, thanks for all your hard work and the great product.


Thanks all for the logs and help.

I've found myself some another small problem. And as I'm bit paranoic to make fixes to SCP code not to introduce new problem (that's the way our bug was introduced), I would like to ask you for one more (the last) test. Download the version to test. If it works, no need to send logs anymore. Also this time please test download too.

Thanks again.

Re: Yes.. Fix2 stops also after 40-50 MB's with scp

I used fix4 and uploaded a 300meg file no problem, that seems to fix the issue.

fix4 appears to be working for me

I downloaded fix 4, and it seems to be working...... yay! Thank you!

binary transfer with 3.7.3

I was using 3.7.1 without problems, and jumped to 3.7.3, and immediately saw the same problems others did with sending a binary file from my pc to another machine using scp.

Interestingly, the problem doesn't seem to affect receiving a file from the distant system.

I'm using 100MB Full Duplex, talking to a solaris 9 or 10 machine on the other end.

Neither distant machine was a problem with 3.7.1.

Went back to 3.7.1, and all is as it was before.....

Re: Yes.. Fix2 stops also after 40-50 MB's with scp

Thanks goes to Knight for the log.

So here comes yet another attempt to fix this. If it fails again, post a log file (again the low-level one).

Sorry for the hassle, but this bug it really tough one.

Also I'm still curious if you can reproduce this in 3.7.1.

Re: Yes.. Fix2 stops also after 40-50 MB's with scp

slaukas wrote:

I have tested the fix2 under heavy load with files with different size. The First 20-40 MB run's very well, but after this the Transfer stop's with the Message: Host has not answered for 15 seconds. and the session is broken.
With sftp i have no problems with the same Files.

Thanks. While I have not mentioned it, I wanted the log with low-level logging enabled. As I expect that the log will be very large, please mail it to me zipped.

Also I would like to know if you can reproduce the same problem with older version of WinSCP, particularly 3.7.2 and 3.7.1.

Again, reply from anyone, not only slaukas, is appreciated.

Yes.. Fix2 stops also after 40-50 MB's with scp

I have tested the fix2 under heavy load with files with different size. The First 20-40 MB run's very well, but after this the Transfer stop's with the Message: Host has not answered for 15 seconds. and the session is broken.
With SFTP I have no problems with the same Files.

You can see the Log-File:

Re: test your new fix2 for 3.7.3 release (SCP Problem)

knight wrote:

Oops too optmistic,it stops again transferring files..
transfer stops at random places.
I tried to transfer a file of 50MB and it halts at eg. 14% 20% 51%..

OK, I believe that this time it is the problem that I've thought was introduced in 3.7.2 already. Can you verify it? In all cases please (you or anyone else) post a log file (from "fix2" version). Thanks again for your cooperation. I appreciate it.

Re: test your new fix2 for 3.7.3 release (SCP Problem)

Oops too optimistic,it stops again transferring files..
transfer stops at random places.
I tried to transfer a file of 50MB and it halts at eg. 14% 20% 51%..

Re: test your new fix2 for 3.7.3 release (SCP Problem)

Yep, the fix2 did the job...
transfer using scp OK

test your new fix2 for 3.7.3 release (SCP Problem)

I have tested your new Fix2 (for the scp transfer Problem with the version 3.7.3) and it's looks ok !!

Without the Fix-release, the error is only with scp not with sftp.

Re: 3.73 issues in binary transfer

mdoran wrote:

I just tried this in 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 and the transfers work everytime. Hope this helps.

Thanks. Please try my another attempt to fix this. If it fails again, post a log file.

Re: 3.73 issues in binary transfer

I just tried this in 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 and the transfers work everytime. Hope this helps.

Re: 3.73 issues in binary transfer

to confirm the symptoms of the previous posts
3.7.3 fails everytime,
3.7.2 is fine......

Are you sure that 3.7.2 has worked? So far I've believed that the problem was introduced in 3.7.2 and 3.7.1 was the last one working. If you are right, it changes things :-) Please confirm ASAP.

Re: Binary transfers using SCP in version 3.7.3

mdoran wrote:

It appears the WinSCP3fix.exe does not correct the problem. Here is the log you would like to see.

Thanks for the log, I'm going to investigate it.

3.73 issues in binary transfer

to confirm the symptoms of the previous posts
3.7.3 fails everytime,
3.7.2 is fine......

Re: Binary transfers using SCP in version 3.7.3

martin wrote:

Please can anyone of you download debug version of WinSCP (WinSCP3log.exe), enable low-level protocol logging, try to reproduce the problem and send me the log file? Then please try it again with WinSCP3fix.exe and let me know if it changes anything.

It appears the WinSCP3fix.exe does not correct the problem. Here is the log you would like to see.

Re: Binary transfers using SCP in version 3.7.3

martin wrote:

Does it happen when you tranfer the files on foreground or in background queue? What is your connection speed?

It happens with the transfer of the files in the foreground and my connection speed is 100Mbps.

Re: Binary transfers using SCP in version 3.7.3

Please can anyone of you download debug version of WinSCP (WinSCP3log.exe), enable low-level protocol logging, try to reproduce the problem and send me the log file? Then please try it again with WinSCP3fix.exe and let me know if it changes anything.

Re: Binary transfers using SCP in version 3.7.3

Sorry, doing transfer in foreground on a 10 Mbps LAN

Re: Binary transfers using SCP in version 3.7.3

@knight: OK, that's what I know already, but I'm interested in the answers to my questions.

Re: Binary transfers using SCP in version 3.7.3

I'm facing the same issuse. scp stalls and the only thing to do is cancel the session
reverted back to 3.7.1 and no problems anymore

Re: Binary transfers using SCP in version 3.7.3

Does it happen when you tranfer the files on foreground or in background queue? What is your connection speed?

Binary transfers using SCP in version 3.7.3

When trying to transfer any file in binary and connected with scp you receive the "Host has not answered for more than 15 seconds" box. Then you click abort and receive
copy files to remote side failed. copying file *filename* fatally failed. Terminated by user.
When connected with sftp it seems to work just fine. I went back and tried version 3.4.2 and that version works no problem. In 3.7.3 I tried transferring files as little as 100kb and as large as 10meg, both small and large files both fail with the errors above. Hope this helps, please let me know if you need any more information.