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Re: Bug [3.7.3]: Error when opening Synchronize Dialog

thomas wrote:

When a file of size 0 is transmitted, the synchronization stops and says that the server was not responding for 15 seconds.
Using "SCP" as transfer method, the synchronization of these files works perfectly.

This was fixed in 3.7.3.

Bug [3.7.2]: Error when synchronizing files of size 0

Sorry about the errors in my previous error report :-)
Here it is again ...

WinSCP Version: 3.7.2 [Synchronize Dialog does not work in 3.7.3]
Interface: Explorer style
Transfer: SFTP with SCP fallback
OS: Windows 2000 Professional

Synchronizing a folder with the "Synchronize" dialog.
- Remote
- Delete files
- No confirmation

When a file of size 0 is transmitted, the synchronization stops and says that the server was not responding for 15 seconds.
Using "SCP" as transfer method, the synchronization of these files works perfectly.

Bug [3.7.2]: Error when opening Synchronize Dialog

WinSCP Version: 3.7.2 [Synchronize Dialog does not work in 3.7.3]
Interface: Explorer style
Transfer: SFTP with SCP fallback

Synchronizing a folder with the "Synchronize" dialog.
- Delete files remotely
- Include subfolders

When a file of size 0 is transmitted, the synchronization stops and says that the server was not responding for 15 seconds.
Using "SCP" as transfer method, the synchronization of these files works perfectly.