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Topic review


Re: fixed

The updates translation is available for download already.
Marko Meister


I have fixed the problem. The old string was not only bad translated but also too long. it was

Now it reads
verknüpft mit:

I think that is better. Thank you for the report.


Re: Reporting Bugs -> My first

Laibsch wrote:

I was wondering why apparently there is no way to report bugs against winscp.

That's what this forum is good for.

Well, I have a minor bug to report. When one uses Winscp with the German language pack and right-clicks a soft-link on the remote side to get to "Eigenschaften" aka Properties, it says "Verknüpfung vor" aka "Link to" where it should say "Verknüpfung mit".

I'll propagate your objection to german translator.

Reporting Bugs -> My first


thank you for winscp it is awesome!

I was wondering why apparently there is no way to report bugs against winscp. Well, I have a minor bug to report. When one uses Winscp with the German language pack and right-clicks a soft-link on the remote side to get to "Eigenschaften" aka Properties, it says "Verknüpfung vor" aka "Link to" where it should say "Verknüpfung mit".

Keep up the good work.

Best regards
