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Re: Collecting latest file only

martin wrote:

That's what I've wrote above. The scripting command is:
synchronize local

Use "help synchronize" to learn more details.

I Should have read the help files before asking dumb questions. I've got it working manually just have to automate it. Thanks for your help. This program saved my A@*E

Re: Collecting latest file only

That's what I've wrote above. The scripting command is:
synchronize local

Use "help synchronize" to learn more details.

Re: Collecting latest file only

martin wrote:

You can synchronize either way or even both. To synchronize remote=>local use "synchronize local [local_dir [remote_dir]]"

Can I do this using the console and txt file so I can run it without the GUI?? If so how??


Re: Collecting latest file only

You can synchronize either way or even both. To synchronize remote=>local use "synchronize local [local_dir [remote_dir]]"

Re: Collecting latest file only

martin wrote:

I think that what you need is the "synchronize" command.

Thanks for your response. But, I have files on a Linux machine that are being updated daily. I am pulling these across to an XP machine. It looks like I can synchronise from local XP to Linux but not the other way?? Can I sync from the Linux to the XP???


Re: Collecting latest file only

I think that what you need is the "synchronize" command.

Collecting latest file only


I have a batch file kicking off a copy from source server to destination using console. This is working fine, what I need to do is pick up new files only. Is there a way of marking the files you have copied or deleting ones you have picked up negating the need to copy all?? The file names are different everytime.

Any ideas would help