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Log files from the debug version has been mailed to you.

Thanks for your help so far.

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

I'm using 5.7.5 (Build 5665)

Re: WinSCP.exe hangs in scheduled task.

What version of WinSCP are you using?

WinSCP.exe hangs in scheduled task.

I've created a scheduled task on a Windows 2008 server which is initiating WinSCP to open a connection to a FTPS server, download a file and move it. The script is made so it'll repeat itself until stopped.

All of this actually works fine. We see the server start two WinSCP processes( - 780kb and WinSCP.exe ~ 3750kb) WinSCP downloads the file, closes the processes again and moves the file. But once in a while the WinSCP.exe process ends up in a odd state where it only takes up around 1560kb and then hangs.

The process(es) can be restarted, the scheduled task can be restarted, but it keeps ending up with a WinSCP.exe process which only takes up ~1560kb and stops.

I've tried to enable logging of both the script and WinSCP, but it never comes to writing anything in the log file after the WinSCP.exe starts hanging.

The only solution so far has been to restart the whole server.

Has anyone experienced something like this before ?